22 December 2006

and im free! like the wind! like im gonna live forever!

yesterday was the last day of school. yesterday was the last day of school! yesterday morning i made Ultimate Sadness because i wanted to listen to hallelujah during exams, and i did. ms wexler never even suspected. on the way to class at 7.29 i saw everyone i know almost late too. i found out that my first love, chesley, goes to white station. he had a rat tail in kindergarten and he liked morgan and i was so jealous! he doesnt look the same. in government i took the exam very fast to get that shit over with, then i read harry potter five, the best one, for a while, then the class watched hercules, then the bell rang and it was over. in the parking lot michael neimeyer and i traded one earphone with each other and listened to huun-huur-tu and eye of the tiger at the same time. it was perfect.

bekka came home with me and we decided to bring back the meat pies for the holiday party, so we spent hours with loud music and frantic baking and piled the pies and some muffins and some gingerbread-man-shaped muffins into a big basket. i stuck my head under the shower and curled my hair and it was brilliant! and we headed off.

the neimeyer house is huge, first off, and i drove the whole way with my skirt caught in the car door. i got narnia chapstick in the white elephant swap, and soon the party moved to the upstairs of the neimeyer garage. everyone was everywhere! and we turned off the lights and everyone was somewhere else. there was breakdancing but no music.

too soon it was eleven and i drove bekka to my house where she was retrieved by her parents. in the car it was raining hard and it was dark and foggy in the windows and on poplar i was afraid. but we made it!

last night i dreamed i was trying to brush my teeth while driving, and i dreamed i was dancing in a line with lena and someone else and i was watching us in the reflection in a window, and i dreamed i was at camp and someone convinced me to climb a mountain. today i woke up to my dad hammering on my window-- he is putting up the christmas lights, which he didnt do last year. today we are going to decorate the tree. we put a blinky-nose rudolph on top every year, instead of a star. we call him rudy

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today i am supposed to maybe see eragon with annebel; we'll see how that goes. tomorrow is festivus. im very excited. christmas is very very close and i havent gotten morgan or eileen or my dad anything yet, but i will.

here is my to-do list for the break:
-get presents for morgan, eileen, dad
-learn my lines
-read wicked
-get the poisonwood bible
-clean my room
-have a lot of fun
-watch the lord of the rings extended versions
-finish artemis fowl two and read the third one
-read ten little indians or something else from my very full books-i-havent-read-yet shelf
-thats it.


Mrs.McSpoone said...

I feel honored to have been in your dream...if i was the Lena you were referring to.

Sara St. said...

the only other lena i know is lena kang and i refer to her as lena kang.