28 September 2006

It feels so good to go to a school that makes me feel so safe and comfortable every day.

me: *walks toward class with morgan*
scary kid: *pokes me (hard) and points at his friend* he say he wanna get with you.
me: thats fabulous *continues walking*
scary kids friend: i heard you suck dick!
morgan: (o my god!)
me: *speeds up, approaches andrew lu* andrew, you see that group of boys behind me?
andrew: yeah
me: would you mind going over there and beating them up?
andrew: sorry, im pretty sure they could take me.

i hate this place.


Anonymous said...

I heard that too...


Bekka said...

it's another awesome, AWESOME day at white station high school. i'll see you in the halls.

Johnny Gall said...

I like how there's this little trend arising of writing plays about how much the people at our schools suck.