10 March 2004

HOLY FREAK. last night i had a dream about frenchie workman. it was so adorable.

but im not gonna tell you about it yet, because im trying to build suspense here, dangit. first i had a dream about a schoolbus with a candy machine that when you hit coin return gave you way too many coins. it was exciting. i hit coin return many times. then i had a dream that wasnt the dream with frenchie workmen but he was in it, and bekky and he and i and some other folks were sitting on the living room floor trying to sing christmas songs and failing royally. THEN i was racing this guy back to the pizza place and even though he went another way and i could fly he still beat me. drat. THEN me and merry, who might have been pippin or maybe drew, but i think it was merry, were running away from this big scary pasty thing/guy that walked funny. and then another thing happened that i remember happening but i dont remember how it happened but i know it did because i had reference to it in the frenchie workman dream which i havent told you about yet because im trying to build suspense here, dangit. aparently in this dream frenchie and i were talking and mom was there and REALLY OLD FASHIONED and wouldnt leave the room, and frenchie and i were kinda annoyed but it was funnyawkward. okay. that was all one dream.

this is the next dream. it was outside lauren reeds house and it was almost dark but not quite. like the darkest it can be without ACTUALLY being dark. yknow. anyway, i dropped all the money that i got from the schoolbus thing-- yeah, my dreams like to refer back to themselves a lot-- and i was picking it up when lo and behold, from across the yard next door walks frenchie workman and some other guy whos clearly not important to the dream. other guy goes inside and then theres a SCENECHANGE. yeehaw. frenchies sitting in a rocking chair in the living room and smiling like the adorable little creature he is. his hairs a bit longer. SCENECHANGE. im talking to my mom about when shes going to ever leave the room when im talking to a guy, she says, after your birthday, IF hes gay, maybe ill let you two walk the dog or something. this makes me angry, but SCENECHANGE. frenchie and i are sitting on lauren reeds pathetic excuse for a porch which is really just four green stairs, moms not there, and we're talking. theres so much talking in this dream. frenchies dialect and/or phraseology are very pretty and mildly shakespearian, but just mildly. even though moms not there he says that maybe we'll get to talk alone since ive grown so much since the last time he saw me.

yknow what? my dreams are on shrooms. but danged if that wasnt just adorable. well it was to ME.

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