17 December 2002
o yay! o VERY yay! the amount of yay overwhelms! this is like crunchy granola yay. i asked my odiot french teacher how i coulda got a friggin 89 (but i left out the friggin) and she looked, and turns out her idiot self forgot to average in one of my 100s, but she still didvided it by the same number, so it was like a had a zero, but i DIDNT, and she figured it out and now i have a 97. o joy almighty! PRAISE BE! and WHO got a 100 on their math exam? heres a hint: it was either you or me, and it wasnt you. HAHA! WOOOO! LotR comes out tomorrow! YAY! im seein it jackday. YAY! i get to go to a party! yay! i really need to go finish writing the "Whaddaya want?" scene. guess i'll do that. byebye