28 May 2005


in just over a one-week period, i lose three things i need to survive.

(in other news, cooked everything in mouses house, joined the Y, went to mercers party, possibly tied some friendship knots with lilla.)

Sara - (Lena + Amelia + Mouse) = 0


morgiepoo said...

+ Morgan!

Johnny Gall said...

Sara - (Lena + Amelia + Mouse)= 0
Sara - Lena - Amelia - Mouse = 0
Sara = Lena + Amelia + Mouse

Johnny Gall said...

I think that's as much as I can simplify it

Synapse said...

Sallis = ?/0

Johnny Gall said...

since I assume Lena, Amelia and Mouse are gone (thus the minus thing)
then I can take them out of the equationg and get
Sara = 0
wow, I'm sorry

Johnny Gall said...

did I just prove tha you don't exist?

Eileen said...

next year, our hangout situation will be:
eileen + sara + morgan
eileen + lena + morgan
eileen + sara + morgan + lena= VH1 behind the music: The Clash

Johnny Gall said...

Eileen + Sara + Morgan + Lena= VH1 Behind The Music: The Clash
nope, I don't think I can do anything with that one

Anonymous said...

Sara + Rachel OC = (skittles+m&m's) - (skittles+m&m's)

Johnny Gall said...

Sara+RachelOC= (skittles+m&ms)-(skittles and m&ms)

okay, either Sara and Rachel both equal zero, or one of them is a negative number

Anonymous said...

it sounded logical before I typed it I guess

go sara for getting 12 comments on two sentences and one equation

Johnny Gall said...

nevermind the fact that half of them were me being a jackass