24 November 2004

Like, WTF, mates?

holy crickets, batman, youre harry potter!

o yes. i can be robin (he ran away from a chicken this morning) and hermione in the same sentence, biznatch. like this. (yes, i did it, and yes, i have too much late-night spare time)

holy crickets, batman, youre harry potter!
o yeah. thats me. uh huh. but only for the moment.

there is a NINE HOUR BOY MEETS WORLD MARATHON on sunday. abc family, biznatch. you just dont understand how good this is. and with new degrassi. JESUS. how am i going to have time to read great expectations? on that note, i hope you people appreciate that im posting. cause i should be reading. or study-questions-ing. which is actually what i got on the computer to do. almost two hours ago. and have i done ANY study questions? ...well, ill let you infer the answer on that one.

im listening to the novus practice cd. not because i want to practice, but because i like it. o my god. DORK. but we all knew that.
didnt we?

its freezing. i really wanna go to bed. but i havent blogged in forever and well, honestly, i just love you guys. or something. puerum cum maria! matre ejus! all right. latin mess. adoraverunt. eum! right. but we already clarified that i was a dork.

last night i spent it with eileen, and we coined ludicrous philosophies. there was a tie for best ludicrous philosophy, between
  • matter and time and space are like justin. if they walk to the car in a skirt, their parents will freak out a lot. and
  • there is like a hundred time and space.

of course they both make sense. shut up! YES THEY DO!


and that was the end of that.


Anonymous said...

et-a-per-tis-the-sau-ru-is-a-per-tis..........-rachel oc

Anonymous said...

LOOK! i'm commenting. watch me comment. i'm going to say something incredibly witty about your picture...wait a minute...here it comes...it's coming, it's coming...ohhhhhhhhhh...i can't think of anything. oh well, it's wonderful, but you have way to much time on your hands.
love, kathryn

Johnny Gall said...