17 February 2004

jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive talkin, tellin me lies! jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive talkin, don wear no disguise, and when you kickballCHANGE, kickballCHANGE, up and look, up and look!


night fever night feve-herrr! we know how t'SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE and PELVIS! and PELVIS!

okay. what happened today? robbie (epiphanyboy, not choirboy) asked me how i jive, and i said jiiiiiiiiiiiive talkin, tellin me lies. and i asked him how he jived and he didnt know. isnt that sad. yes it is. uhm, trying to think of what happened today. o right. pop quiz in jackson. if im lucki got a 65. I HATE THINGS WITH ONLY FIVE QUESTIONS. yes i do. did i spell lucky with an i up there? i think i did. okay. ms stallins lost her voice and tried to talk anyway and it hurt my voice listening to her. so i didnt. in better news

TOMORROW IS HAPPY DAY! there will be kraker and it will be good. YAY

o! fun things!
eadh bheil an latha air naomh padruig; gach neach bheal gaidhealach.
its st. pattys day; everyones irish.
m'ruideiginn am eadar-theangaich gaidhealach faod slac BHUR ruideiginn am eadar-theangaich gaidhealach
my gaelic translator could beat up YOUR gaelic translator.
and thats all.

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