22 January 2007

hey, college. surprise.

okay, so. i really really like william and mary. like, a lot. alumni? thomas jefferson and jon stewart. and st johns is... not so much. it just doesnt have what i need. so, slightly adjusted top seven, alphabetically:

columbia college chicago (chicago IL)
university of evansville (evansville IN)
evergreen state college (olympia WA)
kenyon college (gambier OH)
macalester college (st paul MN)
reed college (portland OR)
college of william and mary (williamsburg VA)


Anonymous said...

are you serious???
the other day i was writing a list of my top colleges, alphabetically, on my blog, but i didn't get to finish, so i thought i put the entry on private, so either i didn't- and you saw it and did the same thing- or we are absolutely telepathic.

Sara St. said...

we are absolutely telepathic.

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't be so weird if we hadn't both gone out of our way to not only put them in alphabetical order, but also to state that they were listed alphabetically...

Anonymous said...

dear sara: i got an email from evansville yesterday. they totally want me. :)