17 October 2006

'Neath the shadow of the PSAT I am bound to write something like this.

so, the PSAT is tomorrow. the pea-ess-ay-tea. the pssatt. actually its the PSAT/NMSQT. that is, the preliminary scholastic aptitude test / national merit scholarship qualifying test. the difference between the sat and the psat is such: the sat i can take again. the psat, this time, tomorrow morning, means i either get a 215+ and get national merit qualified, or i get a 214- and i dont. its that simple. no getting around it. and im worried. why? because i dont know how to do math, thats why.

in other news, i was wrong, autumn. i dont like you. you lead to winter and as soon as its not hot every day this "condition" comes back. and i hate it. and its your fault, autumn. fall. i will have to cut my fingernails short soon and keep them that way till april at least. you suck, autumn. we are no longer friends.

the psat people say the most important thing is to get a good nights sleep.

good night.


Cadet Amelia said...

I'm torn between taking the psat now and forever feeling inept...or preparing to take the SAT 5 times.

Sara St. said...

the PSAT took three hours. the SAT took five hours. i suggest not taking the SAT five times.

Cadet Amelia said...

I dont thing I will have the choice... the five time thing is based on the fact that I DONT KNOW. STUFF.