03 June 2006

Got my report card today

Sixth Six weeks
pre-AP english: 98! YAYUHHHH!
latin II: 98
driver ed: 88 (darn them with their grading your driving!)
world history: 94
chemistry: 98
algebra II: 96

english: 96! (gateway 100)
latin: 92 (so close!)
driver ed: 96
history: 90
chemistry: lets not go there
algebra: 100 (hooray for memorization)

2nd Semester
english: 95
latin: 94
driver ed: 94
history: 93
chemistry: 92 (yeah, that exam killed me right there)
algebra: 94

english: 95
latin: 93
driver ed: 94

(contissues: 96)
history: 95
chemistry: 94
algebra: 95

im pretty okay with all of this. except that chem exam. baah. it wasnt my idea to have it the same day as my latin exam.


Anonymous said...

hi so i think ms. davis just might have curved the chem exam at least one million points because although i bombed horribly, i did considerably better than i thought i did based on the fact that i guessed on at least 100 of the 150 questions. yes.
-rachel oc

Johnny Gall said...

150 questions!?
your chemistry teacher must be even worse than mine.