18 August 2004

There's a Fork in Ma's Leg!

this is the obligatory start of school post. its late, i know. i shouldve posted this like, last week. but i was very very busy. so it comes now. lets go over my classes in brief, shall we? swell.

1st period. homeroom: ms johnson. i love her for the sole reason that she issued lockers and i love my locker. its on the top, its at the end, and i dont have to share it. its like mouses last year. people in this class: morgan.

2nd period. latin. ms lafon. shes a crazy ho, but cool nonetheless. loves latin more than i do, which is scary, cause i love latin. tends to incorporate her dog into the lesson daily. tends to teach us songs about latin grammar. people in this class: moore, annebel.

3rd period. lifetime wellness. coach willis. nice lady. reminds me of queen latifah. it is a class of busywork, but i have amusing company, and its easy. people in this class: mercer, rachel o'c who calls me stevie, peter, chris, justin, amelia, chi. also carter and anna talley, who are decent company.

4th period. clue. ms kitts. GREAT JUMPING JESUS ON A BLOODY POGO STICK. i love this class. i love ms kitts. i love clue. jesus christ. (is my lord and savior.) its amazing. she loves grammar. she loves books. i love grammar and books. wow. its amazement. people in this class: rachel, morgan, mariana.

5th period. chamber choir. ms jackson. she is usually very nice to chamber, but today was agitated and therefore mean. i do like the class. we sound good. this is a huge relief. i worried. people in this class: mercer, moore, lauren huddleston, william henry.

lunch. c. nappy asphault. i very much like my lunch. people in this lunch: dunkan, newman, lena, sean, bruce, morgan, alanna, rachel, elise, brett hanover, sophie, afton, becca, mouse, eileen, laylee, annebel, many many others, obviously. i know im leaving someone out. i always do. whoever you are, i love you.

6th period. smartmath. ms underwood. shes not quite as boring as i thought. overall its a decent class, nothing amazing. sucks to have it right after lunch, cause its like FRIENDS AND JOY! and then MEDIOCRITY! but wotev. i got a 25 out of 25 on the quiz we got back today. and 2 extra credit points for getting all my extra equations right. people in this class: rachel o'c, chi, ali rohrbacher. yes. i can spell rohrbacher. its not really that hard.

7th period. choir with mr williams. god, i wish. i HATE my 7th period. smartscience. uhg. MR. T, YOU ARE THE MOST BORING PERSON EVER. all we do is take notes. all the time. i hate it. i dont even have a lab partner. people in this class: mercer, lilla, mariana, some girl named kelsey whos nice, sarah piazza.

thus goeth my days. word is we hear about novus by saturday. im really anxious. if i dont get in itll be the lowdark of my year, i just know it. i have to shower and study for biology, maybe make some notecards or some such mess. there. ive blogged. arent you happy?

if i make novus i have choir five days a week until after all west, when it becomes only four.


Mrs.McSpoone said...

yeas i like c lunch.....and i dont like school that much! i wish i had a class with you......yeah hope we make novus!

Eileen said...

I haven't done one of those yet, but I'll tell you in brief:
1. Mr Lewis, 3rd floor annex, Homeroom. Locker with kaitlin good voice from choir.
2. Dr Herrmann for german, across the hall. Brock and alanna. Bored.
3. Mrs Kitts. Love. Preston Laird. Love and Preston not related.
4. Gym with Lane. Sr Gym. Blegh.
5. Mrs Mullet in main building, C lunch
6. Mr berlin. dumb still lifes.
7. Mr Munter. How hip.

Lane said...

WOW! this is an INCREDIBLY late comment. But here goes.

HR: Rusk- the bane of my pitiful existance
2: Munter- nice to look at.
3:Jackson-yells a lot but loves me and lily
4:Gym-ugh...physical activity.
7: lafon- the other, more caustic, bane of my pitiful existance.