30 May 2004

Whoda Thunk It?

*sigh* gee. how likely.

My life is rated G.
What is your life rated?

this ones nice.

Which poem are you?

And Death Shall Have No Dominion by Dylan Thomas

Man, you're dramatic and overwrought. Nothing is ever simple to you. You like to brood. You're probably one of those goths.

Personality Test Results

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29 May 2004

Bloody Chamber *grumble*

yeah. thursday was my chamber audition. with ms jackson. heres the highlights...

~i did a horrible job
~it lasted an hour and a half
~i didnt warm up. like. at ALL. (this contributed to the me doing a horrible job)
~i had to sing in front of my MOTHER.
~i am now going to take private voice lessons over the summer
~i dont WANT private voice lessons

in short, it was not an overall excellent experience. my novus audition was like, thirty times better. ms jackson is moving from where she lives now to next door to where she lives now next friday. shes paying students to help her move stuff. i was intrigued. yay, gettin paid next friday.

after audition i went to mouses, where morgan and lena already were. the audition had kinda beat up on my day, but it got much better soon. amelia came, we went to MPC, mouses mom treated, which was very nice. everyone but me had alternative, but i dont like it, so i got a calzone like usual and THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. mmm. after we went back and some left there was a comment made that beat up on my day some more, but im much better now AND I LOVE YOU LOADS AND LOADS. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. I LOVE YOU.

then lena spent the night with me. we went and saw the day after tomorrow with mouse and morgan. it was wikid. go see it. it has donnie darko. i love that kid. and theres a bum with a dog.

then i spent the night with lena. and there was a degrassi marathon on. SIX AND A HALF HOURS OF BLISS. and theres a degrassi marathon on tonight. and im going over to morgans for SIX AND A HALF MORE HOURS OF BLISS. o degrassi. o thirteen. o angst! *sighs and floats away*

25 May 2004

And Sara Could Hit All the Low Notes.

yaaay! so i figured out how to have titles. it was randomly disabled on this blog.

today was novus auditions. what funbeans. went over to lenas to practice, then we went to the mall for a few before auditions to chill out, bought some lemonade, which i ended up tossing cause it was too pulpy. *gag* oddly enough, like the whole time i was thinking "gee, i bet shwhitney'll be here" and lo and behold they were. how good am i? the conversation of us and them was all about one minute, then lena and i carried on. we sang in the bathroom. headed on over to CUMC.

williams wasnt even there yet. no one was, in fact, except the girl with the pretty voice whose name is kaitlyn or catelyn or screwitigiveup. there are too many alternate spellings. when he got there screwitigiveup went first, then hannah, then mariana bowen, then lauren huddleston (i called her amanda and didnt notice. then i felt terrible about it), then lena, then rachel o'c, then me. this was the approximate order. i dont remember exactly. so anyway, i went in and sang on my own, he talked about what was different between this and choir at school, nothing i couldnt handle, i sang some scales and helk yeah i could hit all the low notes. i squeaked a bit on the top high note, but man, i think i did pretty dang well. then it was over and we left. i was strangely rejuvinated. im glad i went, and i sure as crapboogers hope i get in.

o yeah, while i was building up my nervousness getting ready to go shwhitney came by and i and they and lena talked and it was fun and they only sat on each other for like a minute. then they left. o how torn i was. they were going to mean girls, and i noticed 534Ns freckle placement reminds me of lindsey lohans freckle placement. extra points for you, drama queen.

after auditions lena and i went back to the mall (we stepped in some tar in the street on the way. sticky shoes!) for subway/chick fil-a and a bubble tea. id never had one before, but i rather liked it, especially the big straw. then lenas mom came and got us in treys car (lena says 534N reminds her of trey in 9th grade. freaky.) she took me home and i called my mom to get ms jacksons number so i could call her to set up my audition for chamber, found out mom'd already covered it. its thursday at 530 or something like that.

moore got in the high school. im so glad. i love that girl.

23 May 2004

Ah, the School's Out Post...

i heard about a funny thing. dont remember who told me. look: no more BUllSHit. ahahahaha. its funny. LAUGH DANGIT.

so schools out and i havent posted since whenev. novus auditions are tuesday. im singing on my own and something else, except now its not "i dont have anything to sing," its "i have too many choices." someone talk to me about what to do for 2nd piece. right now nowadays from chicago is winning, but i think i sound pretty good on santa fe too, and there are others. theres also the part where it should be contrasty with the other one. ill get back to you there.

im using half my MiM moneys to upgrade on DP. this makes me extemely excited because ill have a non expiring account and be able to post sound files (if i ever have any) and pictures. woo.

ow. i just pinched myself with my watch. so friday there was this bamboo on the median and dunkan and i were fencing and jousting and contemplating taking up dagger throwing, except the last one was just me. and my bamboo SUCKED and kept breaking in half and it was very robin hood men in tights. especially the part where she thwocked me in the forehead and i fell over. into the river. the grass. whatev. it hurt, and now theres a mark there. again, it hurt. *gets teary* and then i left hatties house, and *sob* NEVER SAW HER AGAIN! *bawls* goddangit. im going to play the incubus song every day. its so pretty and makes me all sniffly and lack of hattie. mostly this part...

You have only been gone
ten days
but already
I am wasting away
I know I'll see you again
Whether far
But I need you to know
that I care
And I miss you

its really sweet. you know me and my sad songs. but my darling hattie lent me her irish pride 17 shirt of GOD for the whole summer, and that makes things better. and im starting les mis tonight or in the morning, and that makes things better.

last night i went to the novus concert. people who were there: me, dunkan, amanda, matt, rachel o'c, dickey (why? i guess to see williams), newman (i seriously have not seen him in a year. like, an actual year. its so odd), 534N, lena, sarah hairston, mariana... it goes on and on. and there was The Woman With the Mints. i wanted to kill her face. she got mints out of her purse. loudly. NUMEROUS TIMES. i swear, amanda had to hold me back to keep me from killing. but i woulda done it between songs, because im considerate dangit. PET PEEVE OF THE NOW: any noise during a choir concert thats not the choir. no exceptions. if gabriel damon wants to come and steal me away to Brooklyn while im at a choir concert, he can wait two minutes till the end of the song. thats right. dont even play. hairstons friend ZIPPED HER PURSE wile they were singing *shudder*

on another note, after the concert i hugged all the novus people i knew. this includes: mouse, mercer, moore, coretta, whitney, zach stark (i love that boy. he skips), mr williams, william henry, etc. it still kinda bothers me that the fifth name on this list is on there, but yknow what? we get along. its not my fault. i guess in small doses everythings cool. i took some pictures of everyone and 534N kept trying to beat up my camera but i got a good shot of him anyway, despite the fact that newman and dunkan are in the background and look like theyre about to make out, which theyre not. whitney left a good 15 minutes before we did, and 534N was still there on his cell when we all headed over to raffertys for the after party, which was way fun, even though The Best Cheesecake was actually kinda not excellent. it was okay. i sat with mouse, lena, dunkan, katy sloane and zach stark at a four people table, took pictures of knives and movies of pepper water and mouse killing napkins, stole a fork.

mouses mom took me, dunkan, and lena back to my house, i hugged mouse goodbye and we three who were left went and burned some rainforest incense which, granted, is nothing near cheap red wine incense, but its my third favorite. then we went to bed fairly early, probably before one-ish, and got up to dunkans mom calling saying she'd be here in an hour, so we got up and had cereal or pop tarts or frence vanilla la creme mousse *drools* which is a god in disguise. dunkan left, later lena left, then mom and i went to see sophisticated ladies, which had drew stark and kyle, both of whom i adore,and everyone did rather well. my only complaint was it had no michael a. ingersoll.

when i came home i loaded up my pictures and looked at them for way too long. *sigh*

it was a pretty dang good weekend.

and i dont have to go to school in the morning.

15 May 2004

i havent posted on this thing since i changed the thingy. why is my profile and all at the bottom? why has alanna not fixed my comments? why and i not studying for jackson?

01 May 2004

i wish there was a way i could know if i was gunna make novus or not. cause if i do i wont NEED school choir. merffff.

i was gunna post about dallas and DC today. nah.

~The Ants are Going to Eat You~
(todays badspontaneous angsty bongo poetry about killer ant movies on scifi)
the ants are coming for you
theyre covering everything, including
the windows or your schoolbus
almost-celebrity's inside

pay attention, man
evil nofos climbing tires and truckbeds
why are they in alaska?
they got in the wood

the end.