Heya...attention Morgan. AFFIRMATIVE. i am an obsessive fangirl... you'll forgive me wont you? yes? groovy. this is the blog where i get to be obsessive over newsies instead of lotr. not that im not still obsessed with lotr, i just already have a blog where im obsessed with it, so im going with newsies on this one. just in case the URL doesnt give that away...er, yeah... Spot... yes yes yes... this is a lovely topic of discussion, no? for those poor, pitiful souls who dont know...Spot is...er... Spot. how does one use sufficient words? lets give you a list shall we? Spot = lovely, fabulous, amazing, HOT, gorgeous, "off da hook," splendiforous, bringing-forth-the-phrase-"o-my-good-holy-crap"-in-the-best-possible-way... we're catching the drift arent we? awesome. o no my friend, dont you be getting those hopes up... he's totally and completely taken...by yours truly. we got married on the 10th (november of course)... what a jolly little day that was... *slips into a vision of zoned-out-ness* ...huh? o yeah... happy thoughts, you see. bear with me here... okeydokey now. ima go away and let you take a nap or try on your north face jacket... or whatever it is you normal people do... i guess the posse will all go and kiss their men... bye... have fun now...