25 October 2005

This weekend I was productive for the first time in about two years.

~Three Affiliated Tribes~

Driving to North Dakota is like lighting your
Arm on fire: at first it looks kind of cool,
But you just end up screaming in agony.
Lighting your arm on fire is not an experiment
I suggest, but since you must, make the most
Of it. Driving to North Dakota, I hid behind
The melting wheel, slouched, blasting that one band
With the windows up so the one car I passed
Between Missouri and Nebraska could only
Hear the bass line, a soft testimony to my
Presence, chair back as far as it goes, bobbing
My head invisible to the climax chord of that

One song. Arriving in North Dakota is like
Lighting a long candle and standing, silent,
Waiting for the wax to burn you. Arriving in
North Dakota I found I could lean forward,
Sit up, roll down the window and breathe
Trees, tilting my grip forward on the wheel so
The wax pooled harmlessly on the speedometer.

Staying in North Dakota is much like coming
Home to a lit fire and a rousing game of
"What's your inner Southern accent?" Staying in
North Dakota I slept miles above the floor, and
The house smelled like cumin and cinnamon,
Just crazy enough to work, to put me to
Sleep under too many feathers. Perfect
Timing for another nap after lunch. (Staying
In North Dakota is like finally striking a match
In the Yukon and making it without stranding
Your dog.) Three coats and a nightcap later, I
Was back on the floor, feet bare, curling my
Toes around the edge of a step, curling my
Fingers into my back. I felt smoke as
The match singed me briefly before going

Out. Leaving North Dakota is like driving into
A forest fire, collarbones aching to turn back
And feeling the first unwelcome heat. Leaving
North Dakota I broke the sound barrier in a
Midsize '98 something-or-other, taking
On the end full throttle with nothing to lose
But too many feathers. The one car I passed
Between Nebraska and Missouri saw me,
Chair forward as far as it goes, flying from
Three coats and a nightcap, sure to get as
Far and as fast as I could from North
Dakota before I changed my mind, sure
To go back to short sleeves immediately,
Sure to keep driving until the burning forest
Was gone.

20 October 2005

O Bless the Lord, My Soul

it did it. its finally come. i am going to lakeshore. tomorrow.
*crosses fingers for josh brown being there*

(i havent packed.
im going to bed.
ill pack tomorrow.
really fast.)

15 October 2005


that last post was ridiculous. its only purpose was to attract more spam comments. i dont even know what was going on. hopefully this one will be a little more comprehensible.

next weekend im going to camp really nice bathrooms. (thats lakeshore.) im very excited. with me, eileen, ruby, beaver, and dunkan, we will defeat the sarah cobb girls. and plus theres no sarah cobb. just some people like her. and troy, allison, maybe josh brown *crosses fingers*? okay, this doesnt matter so you if youre not beaver or eileen. the point is its gonna be awesome but i wish austin finneys birthday party was another weekend. because I WAS INVITED TO IT. HOW AWESOME IS THAT JUNT. HE STRAIGHTENS HIS HAIR.

so yesterday i was at school until five because mercer was coming home with me and she had rehearsal. dunkan snuck out of rehearsal so she could co home with me. ha! well we had fun, played in ms kitts's room and outside. plus the most amazing event occurred...

me, dunkan, mercer: *stand outside*
*school bus drives by*
people on bus: *SHOUT things that arent quite words at us*
us: *look*

so, yeah. amazing.
the acoustic why georgia is quite good. i like the alabaster and wine mix. speaking of that kinda, lenas and my friendship is like, not even. we dont even talk. when was the last time i did something with her? i dont even know. crazy.

mouse, please eat a hamburger (or nine boca burgers). i cant even handle you being that skinny. for serious. i bet you cant even give blood.


Dee Ee Dee

Sara is going to be ded.
D. E. D.

no wait, that was thursday night. LORD.

i went kite-flying today with lilla. wtf?

01 October 2005

The rain in Memphis stays mainly in the EVERYWHERE.

i dont have a gigabunch of time. im at work and i have to start working in like 20 minutes. but for the time being, lets just say this is more fun than "close reading" is. for real.

so next saturday i dont have novus. and unless freak engine was last night, its next friday night. basically what im saying is this: lets go.

i saw secondhand lions today, and it was good enough to watch. mom came home with it at 330 and was all LETS WATCH A MOVIE. so we and dad watched it. there was popcorn and ovaltine and overall a good almost two hours spent. but then i had to superhurry and shower and be at work at 6. i was here at 607, but guess what: it doesnt matter cause i dont do anything till seven. i also watched the food network and part of gladiator. as you can tell, this moring after getting up and going to novus and coming back, ive done nothing productive at all. tomorrow, though, i need to do some serious algdeux project-ing because its due thursday and lord knows i dont have any spare time during the week.

so mom drove me to work and its a good thing too, because its raining like the dickens. however, i didnt find that out until it was too late to change out of my fakenstocks, so i had to carry them snugly under moms giant umbrella up the way from the gate to the door. they survived fairly well, id say. i forgot my nametag but seriously, no one cares THAT much.

(note: i know all of you know this, im just writing it down for the record)
so there are like 19 fights a day at white station. i really dont get how people can get that mad at each other that often. we're never ever gonna get to wear jeans. ever. i really dont understand how dr winette could have let 2272 people into a school built to be comfy at 1500 and packed at 1900.

well. its about time to go get ready for the fun and excitement of calling out a gabuncha numbers a gabuncha times (we're talking bingo here, people), so im off to go do that. now where did i put my shoes? i dont even know.