there. that was me saying uncle. i give up. after twelve comments, four of them from beaver and five of them just telling me its time to blog again, its time to blog again. first, id like to make the distinction that i fully intended to blog on, what was it?, monday, but the power went out. while i was in the shower. as fun as that was, it left me doing homework in the dark and unable to blog. when it came back on eileen came over because she forgot her history book and we dictated the section out loud. unfortunately, it was the wrong section. fortunately, we didnt have a quiz. eileens class did, though. poor we'll back up. here comes an overview of everything i did since my last post, probably not in order. but first some excuses. yeah, okay, its been a while, but by now you all should know that whenever something very important happens that i want to make sure everyone i know has a chance to read, naturally im going to leave the post about it up for a while, about two weeks. and you may be saying, "but sara, its been three!" yes, well, i got busy. last week was full and therefore get over it. okay, carrying on. heres what i remember of the past few weeks.
fast though the first six weeks has been (and it ends monday if you somehow dont know), it has also been busy and busy. i was gonna put something else there but i couldnt think of a synonym for busy other than... busy. so, that first week the tuesday of which i last blogged was really only semi busy. on saturday i went to orientation at trezevant. not that terrible except it started at 830. in the morning. so yeah. i got out a little early (about 11) but since i can only work three hours a day i didnt have to do bingo that night. so, yay. i probably did something with morgan or eileen. maybe not. i dont know.
that sunday night i went to see cory branan, my favorite local artist after scandyvan. since i last (and first) saw him he has cut his hair and shaved less. this concert (at the center for southern folklore) was short and, because he busted his acoustic, was played on electric guitar, one of the strings of which he destroyed at one point during the concert and of course kept playing. this concert, despite its drawbacks (the hair, the shave, the length, and the guitar) was still excellent. most assuredly my favorite part(s) was when the mic malfunctioned, which it did at least thrice, he stepped onto the stairs and sang really loud and said "well this works better anyway" and it did. if you dont know about him you should go listen to some of his music on his website. excellence. this was september 4th. the next day was labor day and we didnt have school. sweet.
the next week was a bit busier than that one, but i did pretty well and got a 100 on the history test (mesopotamia). sweet. wednesday the seventhe (haha, seventhe) was my first pay day. holy moly. brokeness over. ducks = very yes. (ducks are dollars. eileen did it.) every two weeks i get about 170 ducks. almost half goes in the bank, but the rest goes towards a) the stuff thats not worth the money fund AKA me getting an ipod, b) going to nighttime movies, c) probably a whole bunch of cds, and d) YOUR christmas presents. thats right, i have money, you can start sucking up... NOW.
thursday i went to see tick tick boom with my mom. we had terrible seats. friday i went again with eileen and morgan but got there half an hour early. seats still sucked. it was like sitting in the left wing. saturday i went to nathfaces birthday party (me, lane, sean, lena, afton, kasidey, ali, mpc, broken flowers which lena and i didnt pay for, but i dont feel bad cause i hated that movie), then afton and i went to hatties for cakeand smallville. this was a much more detailed account the first time i typed it. went to bingo and then sunday afternoon went to tick tick boom again. thanks to my getting there an hour before it started, dunkan and i had great seats. being able to see all three faces certainly enhanced the experience.
the next week was the busiest yet. tuesday i auditioned for novus. it didnt take long and having rehearsals at crichton will be nice cause its three blocks from my house and right next door to trez. tuesday i went to the dermatologist right after school and got some stuff. turns out i have exzema. who knew? then mom took me to arbys (mmm) then to work. thursday i got an email from mr williams telling me id be singing alto I. i was most distraught seeing as ive always been alto II. im writing an email to mr williams that explains how if he doesnt let me sing alto II ill be a bum and live with my parents flipping burgers till im thirty. dont worry, ill make it work. friday i got a math teacher and had a history test on india. got a 99. score.
friday night a very unlikely event occurred. i hung out with lilla. it was nice. she came over from about 630-1030 or so and we had a good deal of fun. watched the food network, walked to geekers, and i taught her some life lessons and learned a few myself (among them: never assume that a person knows what ovaltine is or what a george forman grill does). overall, rather good times. i went to bed pretty much right after she left. the next day was cooper young. i went with kathryn about 230 but throughout found yuntin (justin), chris, leo, dunkan, emma, zoe, alanna, morgan fox, xander, kristen howell, and probably some other people im rudely leaving out. mom bought me some earrings and i got fourhenna tattoos from emma. w00t. also i bought a milkshake. then went to bingo, came home and slept. (NOTE: this is how far i was when blogger ate my post. except it was about 30% longer.)
sunday the 18th was latin project day. you see, i had a latin project due monday that no one started before the last weekend. so i started about two and worked pretty consistently until 630, when i went tp spencer mississippi for a while, ate burgers, worked on latin, came home, worked on latin, and finally finished around 1130. that completion was quite gratifying. my mosaic says BEWARE BEE and has a bee on it. but i forgot to give the bee wings. monday i turned it in. this is getting very pastel.
now we are to yesterday. had novus rehearsal and sang a whole lot of notes that were really not in my range. of course that was HUGE fun except not. did mercers latin homework cause shes in latin I and AP world and im sure she had a lot of AP world studying that couldnt be disrupted by latin one homework. so yeah. today i went to school and in chemistry had candy and dropped a quiz, came home, showered, and came to work at 4. since 449 i have been on this computer doing nothing work related because im done with everything. this job would be perfect if the office werent so cold. tomorrow i have numeroud tests becasue the six weeks is almost over, and friday is a half day. lets make this weekend great, people.
okay, so you wanted a post, and i gave you what you want. now you give me what you all know i want because everyone wants them. you know. its not hard. just type and hit enter. like pie. it has taken me an hour and a half to write this post, so really, its the least you can do.